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Valerie Pearson Cannaday Breezy and Mini Pearl for 2020.


Brittany Brisco for Breezy or Mini doe


Deborah Florey Carpe Deim kids

Kay Kay taylor for Kissme and Contessa Does +

Whitney Brown for Lady Luck


Christy Taylor  Cauldron buckling  or Breezy Buckling

Grahm for Mini or Cauldron doeling - Breezy?

Julie Lane Elsa, Grateful, Mardi Gras and Crimson

Amanda Schaefer Breezy Buck

Jennifer Bowman Mini or Cauldron buck

Valerie Byers for Breezy buckling or Eve Buckling

Linda Lord for Eve and Breezy kids

Katie Dean for Cauldron doe - $1500

Mathew Hugo ( ) Mini Pearl Daughter

Rylee Pogue - Forever Grateful doeling.

Rusty  (Clovis) Crimson buck or Doe also Cauldron and Mini +

Ayla Baugh Mini Doe 

Jacy O'Neil White Lilly Buckling, Mini Buckling

Monty Lady Breezy or Mini doeling Mardi buckling

Teena Eve Buckling Lilly 

Anna Ashburn Pirouette and Lady

Donna Doeling out of Mardi Touch of Class, Pirouette, Shut up and Kiss me 2021

Gretchen Classy, Crimson, Eve Buck and doe's

Leah Serenity Classy

Dianea Pirouette of Por o gold doe

Kitty Pirouette Doe

Daniell Sakura doe

Carol Allen Sakura doe

Lisa Tonnar bucks and does

Jane Wagman Buck with blue eyes doe score of 90 or above E in shoulder assembly

Grey Vale Goats Breezy Lilly Buck

Mike Holmes Dream Maker baby

Jessica Bergland Dream Maker Baby

Nicole Turnquist Dream Maker Baby

Nicole Sosbee - Blue eyed Buck - or Buckling Moulan Doe or maybe a buck ... sales Moulan or Love Letters

Emily Johnson Eve Doe

Margaret Giesbrecht Mardi Gras Doe

Monty Breezy Doeling

Jason Witherspoon - Solara Eli two - male and female.

Emma Bailey - wethers - on Aries page messenger

Tamatha Aviles - contacts - Mini and Pirouette Doelings

Mary Curtis buck reservation on Tiger Lilly- filled

John Zemko buckling doeling january... 

Lauren for buck doe kids ... Inzpira, Angel

Susan B Breezy doeling

Madeline Prince - Ever doeling

Katheryn - 2 does one buckling blue eyes



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